Tue 1 May 2007
If you’re not familiar with Dave Gaubatz and his intelligence about WMD, you’re not alone? Apparently no one on the Right or Wrong political fronts wants to know either. This article by Melanie Phillips provides some interesting insight that would likely enlighten all of us. It is very possible that the only ones that have listened to the intelligence are the Iranians, Syrians, Russians, and Chinese. (See related below).
Speaking of Syrians…
Although not surprising, it was still mind-boggling to watch the American MSM give their blessing to the recent Syrian visit by America’s Queen of Treason, Nancy Pelosi. And if that wasn’t enough, the trip was capped off by a well-orchestrated publicity stunt on the Tonight Show. Normally, I wouldn’t waste my time watching what amounts to a nightly parade of America’s Most Wanted Idiots, but the closing comments on the NBC news indicated that Pelosi was going to be a guest (she certainly met the guest criteria, but the timing was intriguing). Piquing my interest, I was curious if and how this was going to portray our unelected shadow president. Instead of introducing her to a rousing rendition of Elton John’s ‘The Bitch is Back’, lapdog Jay fed her a steady stream of lobbed pitches. In one of his lobs, Jay asked the Speaker (paraphrased), “So Ms. Speaker, it seems like you and the President do not see eye to eye – how do you really get along?” At this juncture, Pelosi could have garnered at least a few smiles from those on the Right with a little Team America humor and responded with a round of “Durka, Durka, Mohammed Jihad”. Choosing lies over humor, Pelosi responded with a charming smile saying “Well Jay, I really like and respect him as a person.” Now on a taped show, it’s difficult to imagine what actually is and isn’t shown, but I can only imagine that a 30-minute extended break was required immediately thereafter to clean up the mounds of vomit as well as to silence the hysterical laughter in response to that lie. Please Ms. Speaker, if you truly respected him has a person, there is no way you could so blatantly deny and defy the integrity, honor, and conviction with which this President lives and breathes. With all of her treason and affronts to the Israelis aside, this visit to the Tonight Show was a well-crafted marketing ploy to portray a trip designed and executed as political sabotage (arguably treason) to be one of heart-felt compassion for her country. Once again, thank you NBC for your continued excellence in irresponsibility and political bias.
By Rick who is On The Right Side of the Issues
‘I found Saddam’s WMD bunkers’
Spectator, 20 April 2007. It’s a fair bet that you have never heard of a guy called Dave Gaubatz. It’s also a fair bet that you think the hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq has found absolutely nothing, nada, zilch; and that therefore there never were any WMD programmes in Saddam’s Iraq to justify the war ostensibly waged to protect the world from Saddam’s use of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons.
Dave Gaubatz, however, says you could not be more wrong. Saddam’s WMD did exist.
And also in this article by Melanie Phillips
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