Brave Iraqi Translator Seeks US Visa
FoxNews talk radio host Brian Suits worked with him in Iraq, and offers this plea on Alaa's behalf:
The translator depicted in these images is an like us all: Hopeful, idealistic and ambitious. He's never been to America, but he's the most "american" Iraqi I met.He shared the day to day risks of life in a rifle company, but with one big difference: he could've quit anytime. It's been four years now and he's assisted hundreds of U.S. Army soldiers in accomplishing their missions. Whether it's gaining the trust of locals to ask about IEDs or using his local knowledge to reveal the deceit of foreign fighters determined to derail democracy, he never faltered.
In the year I worked with him we were attacked, ambushed and blown up several times. Every time I or one of my men were wounded, he was there. Always.
Now, I need your help. Please view this quick movie or the longer Discovery Channel version on My War Diary and decide whether this young man deserves to have a chance to become an American. Ask yourself "Has he earned the chance?" If you answer yes, please write his visa packet sponsor kenneth.miller@us.army.mil and tell him that you support Alaa's dream to come to America.
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