Thu 3 May 2007
Americans, wake up – and do it soon or you’re not going to recognize what’s left of this once great nation. This country’s laws, security, and moral fiber are being assaulted and pummeled every day – both from the inside and out. And you don’t need to look very far or hard to find what I’m talking about. As if it wasn’t enough of a challenge for this most powerful nation in the history of mankind to face the increasing omnipresence of terrorism (yes, Harry and Nancy, it is global), we have a Congressional majority that has never learned the lessons of history and, what’s worse, that doesn’t recognize terrorism until after it’s too late. And we all should know what happens when we don’t learn from history and/or recognize a true threat. Just ask those that paid the price under the “leadership” of Neville Chamberlain.
But on this first day of May, 2007, it is only appropriate that we should turn our attention to another serious threat that is hitting even closer to home – runaway (mostly illegal) immigration – or more accurately stated, broken borders, broken laws, overburdened infrastructure, and misdirected politicians. Liberal (aka misdirected) politicians on both sides of the Congressional aisle do not care about broken borders, broken laws, or overburdened infrastructure – they unabashedly view today’s immigration “issue” as an opportunity to win the allegiance of Hispanic voters – pure and simple. When you combine the greed of liberal politicians with the unethical and unprofessional conduct of the mouthpiece and conduit for transmission of this misinformation, the mainstream media, we have a formidable threat from within that is aiding and abetting those that are not American citizens. Compounding the threat criminally, financially and culturally, this strange symbiotic relationship expects American citizens to look the other way as illegal aliens are allowed jobs, healthcare, in-state tuition rates, voting rights, and no expectation to learn English.
It’s not new news that we in the Chicago area are not alone in experiencing the abuses of the MSM - thanks most notably to the irresponsible journalistic practices of the Chicago Tribune. When it comes to putting a biased spin on immigration, no one trumpets the charge like the Trib. In a span of 2 days and 2 issues, here’s what the Trib and their masquerading journalists fed us on the subject of immigration:
- Sunday, April 29 – Front Page Headline – “Raids stoke immigrant ire”. Here’s a different twist for author Antonio Olivo, who seems to have forgotten that his role is that of a staff reporter, not an editorialist – “Raids spark hope for law-abiding citizens”.
From the Olivo “news” article – Flor Crisostomo is identified as an illegal immigrant who will publicly flaunt her displeasure with immigration laws and enforcement at today’s immigration rallies. Flor states that “Our community is very angry, very, very angry” and that “We’re not delinquents”. Delinquent – maybe not, criminal – yes. Antonio, she knowingly broke the law – get your head out of your behind and your emotion out of your article – stick with the facts. No one forced her to come here and no one legally opened the door for her. She says she did not come here to live on welfare – that “there’s a bigger problem that needs to be fixed”. The bigger problem is that she’s here illegally. The fact that she feels she deserves to be here is not America’s problem – it’s hers and she needs to work within the framework of the law.
Sunday, April 29 – National Correspondent Michael Martinez joins the editorial whining with his “news” article on how deportation causes immigrant families to be divided. Actually Michael, that’s a remarkably distorted way of viewing why the children were left stranded – by blaming it on the deportation. In my most irrational of moments, I cannot imagine choosing to leave my kids behind if I were deported. These parents have the option to bring their kids back to the country of origin with them – who in their right mind would consider anything but that option – it is poor judgment. I don’t care how bad conditions are – parental love and guidance are more important that the prospects of leaving children to fend for themselves. It seemed fitting to read that one of the children left behind was playing video games – sounds like the $400 a month in food stamps that we subsidize may not be necessary.
Monday, April 30 – Washington Bureau Correspondent Karoun Demirjian is allowed to mix his editorial opinions in a front page article entitled “Senators grasp a chance for reform” – where’s the corresponding article entitled “Senators rediscover brass balls – decide to enforce existing laws”. Even the caption under the picture of Chapaquiddick Kennedy and John McCain describes them as part of a group of “bipartisan” senators. Now how in the hell is a picture of a far-left Democrat and a left-leaning Republican a depiction of bipartisanship? Nice try at trying to demonstrate collaboration between the Right and the Wrong, Karoun. Next time look for two people that truly don’ think alike.
In the same April 30 article, a picture is shown of President Bush in a U. S. Border Patrol truck in Arizona. The caption under the picture states that “An immigration reform plan could be one of Bush’s last chances for a domestic achievement and could help raise the party’s standing among Latino voters.” This writer, so blinded by his bias and political flip-flopping experiences, is unable to see past his two left hands. There is a political ideology, Mr. Demerjian, which does not establish its postures based upon wind direction – it’s called conservatism. We do not choose to do or support that which is designed to gain a higher percentage of the electorate – we support what is right for the individual and for this country as a whole. Succumbing to a political agenda that provides no long term development for individuals or benefit to this country is a gross mistake that could very well bring our demise.
In fairness to the Tribune, they are certainly not without co-conspirators. Unfortunately, they have the lion’s share of the printed media market in this great metropolitan area and choose to use it with unequivocal disregard for unbiased reporting. The fact that they are not alone is what’s most alarming – every news item that we read needs a discerning eye and mind to sort out the facts from the fiction.
Oh and BTW, whatever happened to the desire for skills and education as criteria for immigrating to this country? It shouldn’t make any difference if they are Canadian, Italian, Irish, Mexican, Norwegian, Chinese, Jews, Christians, Muslims (wait a minute, I need to think about this one), Buddhists, or whatever. But if we don’t have the need and/or they don’t have viable resumes, there is nothing that should require us to open our borders.
Americans, please wake up – and speak up. Our lives, our futures, and our country are at risk if we allow these assaults to continue.
By Rick who is On the Right Side of the Issues
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