I can't beleive they are cramming this shyte down our throats!

It is criminal of every individual whom is attempting to do so on both sides of the aisle. THEY WILL PAY A HEAVY PRICE if this is passed - AS WILL THIS GREAT NATION THAT WILL BE NO MORE if this passes. You can not begin a career in America by first breaking our laws.
We are a nation of laws and an illegal IS ILLEGAL! Their lust for power to in-turn sell every hard working American down the Rio Grande for more voters is disgraceful.
DID THE FORT DIX 6 - whom now it looks like had 76 charges levied against them (the 3 illegals in the bunch) and at no time did they ever question their LEGAL STATUS IN THIS COUNTRY.
-J Steele
DeMint Statement on Immigration Deal |
May 17th, 2007 - Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator DeMint made the following statement: "I hope we don't take a thousand page bill written in secret and try to ram it through the Senate in a few days. This is a very important issue for America and we need time to debate it." "But the little we do know about the bill is troubling. According to reports, the bill contains a new 'Z Visa' that allows those who entered our country illegally to stay here permanently without ever returning home. This rewards people who broke the law with permanent legal status, and puts them ahead of millions of law-abiding immigrants waiting to come to America. I don't care how you try to spin it, this is amnesty." MORE on Immigration: ** DeMint OpEd on RealClearPolitics.com - Responsible Immigration Reform Senator DeMint is chairman of the Senate Steering Committee, a caucus of conservative senators that includes the majority of the Republican Conference. |
immigrants are welcome and needed here - we could probably use several million more - we're all children of immigrants - it's pure, unadulterated racism
me: white, college educated, U.S. born millionaire and ardent supporter of reform and increased immigration quotas
p.s. - I hear a lot about taxes - I'm going to start a serious push for tax investigations on all you "pure" people working side jobs for cash and not reporting it - you're the real criminals
here's a typical FALSE rumor you morons buy into: The U.S. Senate has Voted to Give Social Security Benefits to Illegal Aliens---Even Though They Have Not Paid Into It-Fiction!
Summary of the eRumor:
A couple of these are circulating, both in the form of petitions.
One says that the U.S. Senate has voted to allow illegal aliens to collect on Social Security even though they have not paid into the Social Security System.
Another is an internet petition originated by Californians that is to be sent to President Bush, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and several members of Congress from California. It says that the U.S. Senate voted to give Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants and protests it.. It asks that citizenship be required for eligibility for Social Services, that no free services or funding be given to illegal immigrants, and that no college education be provided free to illegals either.
The Truth:
First, Internet petitions have, so far, been of limited or no value. They do not bear the same weight of signed petitions since anybody who wants to take the time could generate them and just make up the names. These petitions also depend on someone to ultimately send them to the right addresses, which is not a reliable way to get them there.
Second, let's look at each of the issues in the eRumors.
The Senate Vote on Social Security that generated this petition was in May, 2006. The effect of that vote was to allow language in other legislation on the issue to proceed. It would not have granted Social Security benefits to all illegal aliens but it would have allowed illegal aliens who had already paid into Social Security to accrue the benefits of their contributions. The Senate went on to pass a controversial immigration bill but it differed greatly from a version passed in the House of Representatives.
Social Security
As of this writing, Illegal immigrants are not benefiting much from Social Security. It's technically illegal to hire an undocumented worker so theoretically there should not be any paying into Social Security. But because of so many illegal workers who use bogus Social Security cards to get jobs, billions of dollars of Social Security deductions are made each year as well as employer payments into Social Security on behalf of those workers. Illegals are not supposed to collect on Social Security and because their Social Security numbers are manufactured, they cannot collect so the money has become a part of the controversy over Illegal immigration. There have been some estimates that more than $60 billion a year are being paid into the system because of illegal immigrants, money that would disappear if the immigrants did.
Immigration reform being debated in Congress could affect all this such as if amnesty is granted to illegal aliens currently residing in the U.S. or if illegal aliens are given some kind of participation in the Social Security system. There is no legislation, however, that would give illegal aliens Social Security payments if they have not paid into Social Security.
Social Services
Let's look at this from the standpoint of California since that is the concern of the petition and is the state with the largest population of illegal immigrants.
A wide range of services are available in California for illegal immigrants including health care and education for children.
College Tuition
At present in-state college tuition rates are available to undocumented immigrants as long as they meet other standards such as residency requirements.
get it morons? --
bottom line: immigrant contributions are actually keeping the system solvent
Updated 3/30/07
Immigrant contributions keeping the system solvent.
Now that is an Erumor if ever Jerry STeele has heard one. And a laughable one at that.
FOr whatever monies the illegals put into the system - say $1 per illegal - the monies they remove from our systems of support for AMericans whom have also paid into such programs as medicair/medicaid, housing subsidies, EDUCATION from kindergarden thru HS... far outweigh and reduce their contribution to about a loss of $3-4 dollars per illegal jimmying the system.
They have bankrupted many hospitals over-run by the illegals that use EMergency care as their private doctors.
They are also illegal and should all be deported and returned to their homeland and go thru a legal process.
Jerry is first generation of immigrant parents whom did it the legal way. and waited several years in line like all the rest, also family of Jerry's that did not until fifteen years later when families had grown and it unfeasible to move.
You can not start a career in America by frst breaking our laws.
Enforcement first. CLose the fricking border, and then start going after every business that employs them - stop the reason many come here - not to mention also our over-crowded jails with the illegals once again taxing the system.
I have no problem with immigrants - LEGAL IMMIGRANTS.
-J Steele
oh, one other thing in the aforementioned AnonyMouse post regarding those STOLEN SOCIAL SECURITY CARD NUMBERS THE ILLEGALS USE which you so easily glossed over - the damage it does to that individual who's number has been stolen - thousands of dollars not to mention a burden of proof to the IRS to prove that you were not the individual that earned that money - in one CA case, 35 different illegals were using the same number.
They should be jailed then deported - and while in jail - the illegals can build our fence.
They need to pack their shit up and go protest down in mexico city the failure and corruption of the Mexican government.
And one thing also you open border proponents dont ever seem to speak of - is HOW DOES MEXICO PATROL THEIR SOUTHERN BORDER. THe human rights violations of illegals caught there ? Rapes, murders of illegals ?
What is the penalty for having no papers in Mexico?
JAIL - And not like the shamnesty of what happens here most times when the illegals arrested.
Then you have those whom dont come for economic prosperity here in AMerica - they come to kill us - and they go to mexico to start their journey - learning spanish to blend in as a mexican illegal.
You know, it wouldnt be so bad if the illegals learned that ENGLISH IS OUR LANGUAGE - Learn it!
I know some illegals who have been here in the US 20 years and dont know a damn about speaking it.
And what does that show - they dont want to be part of the Idyllic melting pot mentality - they want to establish Mexico north... NO FUCKIN THANKS.
Im a white guy whom speaks pretty fluent spanish and when i go to Mexico, guess what - I speak spanish as much as i can and learn more when there.
Ive also dated hispanic women - very hot senoritas indeed.
So dont give me that racist crap.
Its a matter of law.
ANd the illegal - in crossing that border broke it ... so why do we need new laws that the illegals aren't even abiding by the ones we got.
BORDER ENFORCEMENT FIRST. THen we'll discuss work visas and the like.
Nothing less.
-J Steele
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