Wed 2 May 2007
There is a severe disconnect in all the arguments that try to convince us that Islam is a “Religion of Peace” (hereafter to be known as R.O.P). Apologists, in all Their infinite wisdom, in maniacal chorus chant R.O.P so often and so loudly it’s hard to hear any other voice that may be singing a different tune. They’re terrified of the discussion. They won’t even talk about it. The minute I broach the topic with any of Them, the R.O.P. defense with the obligatory “nutball factor” mention commences without fail. If you notice, liberals everywhere are terrified of debate on any issue. Instead of trying to defend indefensible positions, they stage protests and direct everyone’s attention to the naked chick in the cage.
They have good reason to be terrified. The rabid beast They’ve chosen to call a harmless, cuddly, furball is not going to choose favorites when it’s time to attack. We are all in danger. They are refusing to face facts for the sake of being “right”. Human nature and ego are partly to blame…as to the rest…well I’m not qualified to assess the particular head damage that liberalism is, but I assure you it is most certainly head damage. Every person has seen the infernal face of Islam, up close and in color and those who still choose to call it “peaceful” have severe brain damage. We all know they stone women for comitting adultery. It’s not a secret. It’s not a conspiracy. The Koran allows it. We all know little girls are sold into slavery and abused under Islamic law. Some of us know that child molestation is sanctioned by the Koran…by even the prophet himself.
In case those things weren’t enough for you, here’s some more proof. This is for all the liberals who believe the Palestinians are a peace-loving folk who just want some more land. The Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Counsel, has made his views on peace very clear in the following statement.
I encourage you to face the facts as quickly as possible so that we can get on with the business of relegating Islam to the only acceptable place left for it. Buried in History books with its peers, Nazism and the KKK.
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