You probably know these words. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it,” and this, of course, came from Hitler’s war room, the Nazi spinmeister-in-chief, Joseph Goebbels, but do you know the rest of the quotation? Let me share with you the rest of the quotation:
- “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
This is Goebbels speaking for his cronies in the Nazi party. That’s the whole quote. Now, you might be saying, “Rush, why are you quoting it?” Well, because we have a version of that going on here in this country.
Let me reread this with the proper adaptation. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the [Democrat Party] can shield the people from the political, economic, or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the [Democrat Party] to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the [Democrat Party],” and that’s why I’m reading it to you. Repress dissent? Repress dissent? Well, who’s the dissent? I am the dissent! There are a number of us who are the dissent, and what do they do? Well, they’re trying to gin up the Fairness Doctrine to silence us. They’ve got a bunch of websites that are bought and paid for by Clinton, Inc. and George Soros that are attempting and have been attempting for many years to discredit those of us who dissent, and they’re doing any number of things, engaging any number of tactics to shut down opposition speech. They just don’t want to hear it. Political correctness is nothing more than liberal censorship.
SideBear: Have not the modern day Liberals and Democrats been inspired by the words of Joseph Goebbels?
The Fairness Doctrine
Here it is folks, House Bill H.R. 3302
- The bill also restores the Fairness Doctrine, compelling broadcast news outlets to investigate issues thoroughly and present their findings in an unbiased way.
Liberal totalitarianism
Liberal Democrats are attempting to muzzle conservative talk radio: they are assaulting free speech. Like the communists in the former Soviet Union, America’s liberals seek to crush dissent by consolidating control over the media—especially talk radio, which has emerged as the dominant medium for conservative opinion.
Allies close to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are promoting legislation, which if passed, will take off the air prominent conservative radio hosts such as Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly—along with thousands of smaller conservative broadcasters. The bill, entitled the “Media Ownership Reform Act,” is sponsored by Rep. Maurice Hinchey, a leftist Democrat from New York. The legislation aims to revive the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” of the 1940’s: “all views” are to be given equal time on radio. In particular, the Federal Communications Commission would have the power to oversee and change radio and television content. The goal is to tilt the ideological balance of power away from the right on the nation’s air waves.
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