New Jersey Terror Plot
Update by Jane: Yes, here I am, somewhat cranky I must say. Five of the suspects lived in Cherry Hill and all are Albanian, the Asbury Park Press reported. They had also considered attacking Fort Monmouth (which I pass on my way to the beach) before settling on Fort Dix. Apparently the feds were up on the group for some time:
The Star-Ledger of Newark reported on its Web site that the men had agreed to buy AK-47 assault rifles from an arms dealer who was secretly cooperating with the FBI. The Star-Ledger report cited a law enforcement source granted anonymity because the source was not authorized to speak about the arrest.I have to agree with Rusty, the radical Islamists' ideology is what defines America's enemies, not the logistical substructure of al-Qaeda. Its an ideology of self-defined superiority and fatalism that terms all Shiites as rejectionists, engages in Takfir-ism against Muslims who hold less violent views, and views the US as the source of the modernism that corrupted Islam leading to the diminished power of the Ummah. Radical Salafism defines the US as the aggressor, Americans as sub-human, and death in combat against the US as noble and altruistic. There are no civilians and children deserve no mercy.
It is a war of ideas, viewpoints, definitions, and explanations. That these six planned to attack US soldiers on US soil, and kill anyone who got in their way, demonstrates the ability of hard core Salafi ideology to impact every American's life and invade every town, even Cherry Hill. The essential component of the terrorist threat is the ideology not the network.
NJ Terror Plot (UPDATED)
Breaking news! Six men were arrested last night for a terror plot to kill soldiers at Ft. Dix, New Jersey.
From NBC10.com:
Investigators said the men planned to use AK-47s to storm Fort Dix and open fire on soldiers and civilians stationed at the New Jersey base, noting that other military locations were scouted by the terrorist cell.Living and training in New Jersey and Pennsylvania!Three of the unnamed suspects are brothers who are all believed to be Islamic radicals, according to sources. Some of the six arrested men were also born in Albania and the former Yugoslavia, but have spent a significant amount of time living and training in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, according to authorities.
All six men were expected to face terror conspiracy charges Tuesday in federal court in Camden, N.J.
Update by Rusty: Newark Star Ledger, via Allahpundit:
The men - several of whom were in the same family - had videotaped their practice sessions in the Poconos, the source said. That videotape, in which they railed against America, led to their arrests.Dumb jihadis--the best kind!The men made the mistake of bringing it to a retail store seeking to get a copy burned to a DVD, according to one of the sources. A store employee who later watched the tape called the FBI who began immediately investigating.
The article also notes the six practiced by using paintball guns. Hmmmm, sounds familiar.
Allah seems to think that these guys aren't al Qaeda. But I think that misses the point of al Qaeda 3.0. Anyone can be "al Qaeda" now just by claiming to be, that's the nature of a non-hierarchical network.
Besides that, focusing on whether or not a particular terrorist cell is being directed by Ayman al-Zawahiri unintentionally misleads the public into thinking our only global enemy is "al Qaeda". It's not. It's the global jihad network.
Anyway, hopefully we'll get a comment of two from our own Jane, who blogs from New Jersey.
UPDATE II by Rusty: Confederate Yankee has a media roundup.
UPDATE III by Rusty: Jane is having computer problems this morning, but chimes in here.
UPDATE IV by Rusty: Michelle Malkin notes that a) 3 of the plotters are illegal alilens and b) that Fort Dix had been used extensively Ethnically Albanian refugees from Kosavo which is stunning.
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