To: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission By Michael Devolin Apr 22, 2007 - 1:56:35 PM |
I’m writing this letter as an ordinary Canadian citizen, to officially voice my objections to McMaster University’s application for a seven-year renewal of its operating license for its nuclear program.
I strongly object to McMaster University being granted license for a seven year extension of its nuclear research program precisely because of the fact that many of its staff are not only Muslims, but also, and more importantly, because these same Muslims originate from countries where the generally desired efficacy of Islam as a religion is hatred and acts of violence, not only against Muslims of opposing sects and doctrines, but also against all non-Muslims, and especially Jews. These Muslims I’m referring to - Muslims involved in McMaster Univerity’s nuclear research program-were surely inculcated by what is known most commonly by now as Islam’s culture of violence and hatred during their years living in those countries where this same malefic violence and hatred [of the West] is regarded as unremarkable.
I am most anxious about the fact that these particular Muslims now have access to Canada’s "nuclear capabilities." Has the staffs (those who are of the Muslim faith) of McMaster University with access to the Nuclear facilities been fully investigated as to what sect of Islam is their personal choice? Please consider that those of the Wahhabists sects of Islam (and there are many) are not at all forthcoming about this fact. Fanaticism within Islam is widespread, and this same fanaticism does not remain in the Muslim Middle East immediately those who follow its tenets immigrate to our Canada.
CISIS has been warning for quite some time that Islam’s fanaticism is now a reality for Canada. Luc Portelance of CSIS has stated, "Terrorism is dangerous ideology, and a global phenomenon...Canada is not immune from this ideology." What is missing in his statement is the fact that, without exception, the terrorism Mr. Portelance refers to is an Islamic phenomenon. We are told that "Islamist" is now the preferred, politically correct term for the adherents of Islam who choose to murder innocents as means of palliating their religiously-inspired and discomposing contempt for the less observant and less-enlightened of mankind, Muslim and non-Muslim alike. But the truth of the matter-a most portentous truth, in my opinion-is that these so-called "Islamists" are inconspicuously invariably of those whom we refer to in the politically-correct, phrasal idiom as "moderate" Muslims, and only later (and this is the security imbroglio we are now facing as a nation) do they become the terrorists and insidious elements we read about daily in the newspapers.
Raheel Raza (Their Jihad, Not My Jihad) has written of Islam’s many extreme and varied ideologies that, "It had been happening here in Canada to the extent that hate was being spouted through places of worship and by people who make it their day job to incite young people in this hatred. Towards what they perceive to be the imperial powers, the western occupation of parts of the world." My questions to these Muslims involved in McMaster University’s nuclear research program would be in regards to how they deem this democracy they live in, the values it espouses, and how compatible is their preferred sect of Islam to this same democracy. Are these same Muslims perhaps of those who "make it their day job to incite young people in this hatred"? What other Islamic organizations are they involved with? What are their preferred politics? Do they condone and/or advocate Islam’s barbaric Sharia Law, as opposed to our Western style justice system? Sharia Law is not a justice system I would ever welcome into this country. Neither would I welcome those of Islam who condone its implementation into our present justice system. Much of the Middle East and Africa is suffering from the insalubrious effects of this atrocious "rule of law."
As part of my objection to McMaster University being granted another seven years to continue its nuclear research program, I ask that his commission give much thought to the words of the journalist Steven Stalinsky, who wrote, "As the war on terror continues, the voices from the Arab and Muslim world celebrating death over life have been heard more often than those criticizing this philosophy." I would ask you to consider how active have these Muslim scientists been or with what manners of voice have they protested against the bloodshed and carnage perpetrated upon innocent Muslim, Jews, and Christians around the world? If not actively and loudly contumacious toward those of Islam’s more disagreeable and dark side, then in what measure does their religion figure in their involvement in McMaster University’s nuclear research program? Is there even the slightest possibility of the knowledge they garner from McMaster Univerity’s nuclear research program one day becoming complicit in catastrophic acts of terrorism not only against Canada and innocent Canadians, but also against our Western allies and their civilian populations?
The above are prudent questions indeed. I believe these are not the questions, however uncomfortable and politically incorrect, the governing body of McMaster University are asking those Muslims involved in their nuclear research program. I also believe that now is far too late to begin asking these questions: the advantage and safety of prudence has already been forfeited by the incautiousness of those of McMaster University who cannot see beyond their zeal for discovery the grave and threatening possibility of a cataclysmic terrorist attack as a direct consequence of their foolish obduracy.
I beg this commission to consider that there is nothing for you to lose in refusing McMaster University another seven years to wilfully endanger the entire continent of North America, and maybe beyond. And there is only prestige for you to gain in preventing acts of terrorism upon Canadian soil against Canadian citizens who deserve to feel safe within the borders of this great and noble country we call home.
"Why do expressions of tolerance, moderation, rationalism, compromise, and negotiation horrify us [Muslims], but when we hear fervent cries for vengeance, we all dance the war dance... Why do other people love life, while we love death and violence, slaughter and suicide, and even call it heroism and martyrdom? -- Al-Afif Al-Akhdar, Tunisian intellectual
With sincerity and respect and an intense love for my country.
Michael Devolin
© Copyright 2002-2007 by Magic City Morning StarRelated Articles:
To: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission - Apr 22, 2007 - 1:56:35 PM
Canada: A Country Deceived
Terrorism Michael Devolin
March 5, 2008
“Everything that deceives may be said to enchant,” wrote Plato.
It was reported in Canada’s National Post this week that certain Muslim terrorist suspects in this country being “monitored” by our security and intelligence service (CSIS) have had “human rights groups, celebrities and MPs” rallying behind them.
It’s always amazing to me that the politicians who always boast the loudest of having our country’s safety as their top priority are always the same politicians attending fundraising dinners and marching down the streets of our cities in support of the Tamil Tigers or Hamas or Hezbollah, or as regards matters closer to home, in support of suspected Muslim terrorists being shadowed by CSIS. But isn’t that the way of politicians? If they’re going to mess up, they mess up big time.
As it turns out, these same human rights groups, celebrities and MPs have forced CSIS’ hand. So much for the element of surprise. Nothing like letting these terrorists know our “secret service” is trying to catch them in the act of planning violent jihad. What a freakin’ joke these “bleeding hearts” have made of what should be our greatest weapon against Islamic terrorists: CSIS and their counter-terrorist apparatus. Canadian “secret agents” have been gradually constricted into announcing in our national newspapers their defensive designs against potential bin Ladens hiding in this country.
Activism in Canada has become in most cases an adventure in vilifying CSIS and, as is always the case with Muslims, Israel as a counterpoise in defence of those Islamists whose beliefs inevitably guide them not only to hate Israel and the Jews, but also those countries – Canada included – who are on friendly terms with Israel. This is to say, if Canada is on good terms with Israel and the Jews, consequently Canada’s Christian and Jewish populations, respectively, are on bad terms with Muslims in general. In fact, as CSIS is trying to convince our Federal Judiciary, those anti-Jewish/anti-Israel Muslims, if they happen to reside in Canada, are become an imminent danger to Canada’s Jews and Christians. After 9/11, it is a folly to believe otherwise.
It’s now a reality that Muslim terrorists hiding in this country avail themselves of more tax dollars than do the Canadians footing the bill for their defence before a judiciary that so far has done nothing but hinder not only those prosecutors trying to convict them, but even when convicted, hinder also those immigration officials trying to deport them out of Canada and back to the violent ideology-driven androcracies from whence they came.
The question I keep running up against is this; Why the hell is my tax dollars paying for the welfare of a group of Muslims who are, as CSIS files revealed to the Canadian public, “in regular contact with al-Qaeda’s second in command, Ayman al Zawahiri”; “within months of arriving in Canada...gained access to a restricted area of Toronto’s Pearson airport”; “was heard saying he had received his Canadian immigration status and would soon be ready to take part in jihad”; had delivered to his “post office box in Toronto: a videotape called The Holy Warrior Sheik Osama and a book titled The Mainstay of Making Preparations for Jihad in the Cause of God authored by al-Qaeda’s deputy boss”; “talked about the mujahedin in Bosnia and Chechnya and talked about recruiting ‘brothers’ for the jihad” and “applied for employment at the Montreal airport”?
Why, as Dr. Paul Williams notes in his book Day of Islam, are these hateful and vile characters “entitled to all benefits of Canada’s publicly funded healthcare program”?
Canada is now the national receptacle of proud Muslim “mujahadeen” – potential terrorists who feel no connection to this country but for the harm they intend against our patriotic citizens. These jihadists are nothing but foreign agents practiced at the art of deception. They hate our Jews, they hate our Christians, they hate our Hindus, they hate our Sikhs – they hate anyone who refuses to relinquish the national placidity of what has always been a Canada free from the discomposing imbroglio of Islam’s attendant violence. And all the time they’re calling to the activists, the MPs, and the celebrities – anyone enchanted with their cause – with their oft-repeated lament that bad old CSIS is picking on them because they’re Muslim, that they’re not really terrorists in petto, within the breast, in reserve.
I am not deceived by their religious hubris, nor have I ever been enchanted with their cause, which is the extirpation of those freedoms that have always been synonymous with being Canadian.
Cheers, Jerry.
Michael Devolin
No sympathy for Omar Khadr
National Post
Published: Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Re: A Case Built On Lies, Lt. Cmdr. William C. Kuebler and Rebecca S. Snyder, March 26.
I grew up down the road from a Canadian veteran of the Second World War. I remember him telling me how he lied about his age (he was 15 at the time) in order to be accepted into the Canadian army and so join the fight overseas against Hitler. That was a time when real men made real decisions, even at the young age of 15.
Omar Khadr was in Afghanistan because he believed in fighting the same war against the "infidel" his father was fighting. And while he was there, he was no less a combatant than were the German teenagers who rained down bullets and shell fire on the young Canadians at Juno Beach. To propose that Omar Khadr was a mere "child soldier … exploited and abused" is truly a case built on lies. His lawyers are attempting to portray this so-called Canadian citizen as a sort of Islamic Teletubby. I don't buy it, and I guess neither do Stephen Harper and his government.
Michael Devolin, Ontario, Canada.
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