Sun 22 Apr 2007
Along the desert stretch where Arizona and Mexico meet, there’s more flying in the air than just dust. There are rocks flying back and forth toward the border agents, CBS News correspondent Kelly Cobiella reports.
It’s part of a nightly bombardment of Border Patrol vehicles and agents all along the southwestern border.
Chris Van Wagenen, a senior patrol agent, says “it’s mostly going to be smugglers, guides, gangbangers basically. People who make money off of this.
“This” means smuggling people and drugs into the U.S. It’s gotten a lot harder to cross the border, and smugglers are reacting to more fences and more agents with more violence.
“They believe, almost like a terrorist, ‘we’re going to intimidate you and hurt you until you back off,’” Van Wagenen says.
More from CBS News
Mexican Smugglers Seize US Territory
For months, NumbersUSA has been trying to interest the Mainstream Media in this amazing story: Mexican Smugglers have seized US territory as much as 200 mules north of the border to faciliate their operations. The Federal government says challenging them “not a priority.”
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And How About This?
23 February 2007: On February 11, 2007, a tractor-trailer registered in Texas and containing a large shipment of weapons, ammunition and a Nissan pickup truck fitted with armor and bullet-proof glass was stopped by the Mexican army in Matamoros, just south of the U.S. border at Brownsville, Texas.
The weapons seized included 18 M-16 assault rifles, including at least one equipped with an M-203 40mm grenade launcher, several M-4 carbines, 17 handguns of various calibers, over 200 magazines for different weapons, and more than 8,000 rounds of ammunition, assault vests and other military accessories.

Although the origin of the shipment is unclear, it is vividly obvious that areas along the U.S.-Mexican border are as much war zones as transshipment points. Matamoros has long been recognized as a vital choke point for the shipment of drugs, weapons and illegal aliens, including Islamic terrorists, into the United States from Mexico. Based on the sophistication of the weapons seized earlier this month, it is apparent that a battle is shaping up just across the border from Brownsville - one that will undoubtedly have ominous implications for those protecting our southern border.
1 comment:
I have a better idea.
Go after the employers. There should be mandatory prison sentences and forfeiture of company assets upon conviction. There should be additional charges for those who insist that "they didn't know they were illegal".....when they hired non-English speakers.
Moreover, those companies who hire illegals through "agencies" should be jailed on racketeering charges.
Then of course there are the public servants who have violated their oath of office (RE: U.S. Constitution) they should be jailed also, and suffer the loss of all assets.
Pelosi, Schumer, Kennedy, Janet Napolitano, and G.W. Bush should receive prison sentences appropriate to their crimes, and never be allowed to walk American streets again.
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