Confronting the Global Jihad Online:
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For this version of the list of top sites we have changed format and have dropped the non-Arabic sites. We are also ranking the sites according to a scoring system rather than according to whim or subjective assessment. The sites were scored according to the extent to which members of the global jihadist movement link to each site, or draw content from each site. In addition the sites were scored according to the degree to which they link to each other. The links analyzed were those provided by the jihadis themselves, and in particular the members of various online communities as opposed to the administrators of the various sites. Thus there are links between al-Hesbah and the Tajdeed forum despite the degree of animosity that exists between those two.
The "top nineteen" list is composed of a "top twelve" list, one site receiving honorable mention, and six sites being considered for listing based on how their scores compare to the "top twelve" the next time we get around to generating this report.
The Top Twelve:
1 | muslm.net | 7 | alnusra.net |
2 | alfirdaws.org | 8 | ikhwan.net |
3 | alhanein.com | 9 | ekhlaas.org |
4 | tajdeed.org.uk | 10 | al-faloja.com |
5 | al-boraq.com | 11 | farouqomar.net |
6 | alhesbah.org | 12 | al-ommh.net |
al-Hesbah's score in particular was negatively effected as a consequence of their overly exclusive membership and access scheme, and perhaps there is some justice in that. Speaking of al-Hesbah, that site has previously targeted the competing Tajdeed forum for destruction, and are now organizing a campaign against the Ana al-Muslm forum. Some people have no interest in playing nice with the other kids. (The rank and file members of Ana al-Muslm outnumber those of Hesbah, and are likely more skilled as well - if this becomes a "shooting war" I'm placing my bet on muslm.net to come out on top.)
Honorable Mention: moqawmh.com
As the official site of the Gaza-based Popular Resistance Committees, moqawmh.com is disqualified from our list, but scored so high and was linked to by so many jihadis that we felt it deserved mention.
Candidates for Listing:
The following were recommended by the behavior of the jihadis themselves for addition to our list in the future:
• d-sunnah.net
• alokab.com
• alfetn.com/.net
• 3asfh.net
• almnbr.net
• elshouraa.ws
Seen Better Days:
The following sites are being dropped from our list due to clearly observable declines in activity that were reflected in poor scores using our new system.
• islamic-f.net
• aaa3.net
• abualbokhary.info
• altamkeen.net
Currently Deceased:
• mohajroon.com
In a workflow that involved Excel, Graphviz and finally OmniGraffle, we produced the following chart which represents the links between these various forums (make of this what you will):

Posted on 23 April 2007 @ 13:28
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